Client Workstreams

Introducing streams, what they are, and how to use them

Pravin Paratey avatar
Written by Pravin Paratey
Updated over a week ago

As the name suggests, Client Workstreams are a way of organising interactions around a particular client. You can think of them like folders where you'd move emails to or like channels in a chat tool like Slack.

Organising your interactions this way lets Kaizan do a bunch of clever things. Firstly, it provides visibility on all action items, decisions, risks, opportunities across that client. You can see this in your dashboard and in the weekly emails that we'll send you. Secondly, it uses this grouping to provide insights

Create your first Client Workstream

If you haven't created a workstream yet, visit your dashboard and click on the Add Client Workstream button,

And in the panel that appears to the right, enter the name of the stream. We recommend organising your streams around clients, so you can enter the name of a client or account that you manage here.

Once you hit save, you can then add current and future interactions to this stream.

Renaming / Deleting streams

To rename a stream, click on the three dots to the top right of your screen and in the menu that appears, select Edit stream.

You can also use this menu to send a stream to Trash.

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